Further, there is an obvious parallel correlation between nursing student's satisfaction about clinical learning environment and their competency self-efficacy which is significant. As well, they have a high competency self-efficacy level in all nursing activities and tasks in the clinical training. The results showed that the undergraduate nursing students at Medical-Surgical training, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University, have a high satisfaction level about the clinical learning environment concerning all components of the clinical placement.

Third: Nursing Competency Self Efficacy Scale (CSES) which was developed by Kennedy in 2013. A triple-section questionnaire was used for data collection: First nursing student's sociodemographic profile, Second: Clinical Learning Environment Inventory (CLEI) which was constructed by Chan in 2002. Thus, the study conducted through a descriptive, correlative research design with all nursing students who enrolled in third and fourth academic semesters (second year) during their clinical training in Medical-Surgical Nursing course, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University, Egypt. The current paper aimed to determine undergraduate nursing student's satisfaction about the clinical learning environment and their competency self-efficacy, and then investigate the relationship between both variables. The clinical learning environment has an apparent function in building up students' confidence, and competency self-efficacy, particularly, during clinical skills achievement. In the light of educational preparation for nursing undergraduates, the Faculties of Nursing emphasize to preserve a high quality of clinical learning environment for clinical nursing essentials. Some factors are affecting competency self-efficacy in the clinical nursing practice the most evident factor is the nursing student's impressions with their clinical learning environment (CLE). Self-efficacy in nursing experience enhances nursing student's abilities to achieve clinical tasks independently, mainly in a wide range fields of care like Medical-Surgical Nursing. It is a significant indicator of the work's acceptance and commitment to nursing roles. Competency self-efficacy (CSE) in clinical nursing practice is necessitated to be attained by the undergraduate nursing students.